Serratus Posterior Superior

The serratus posterior superior is located at the upper back and part of the thorax, deep to the rhomboid muscles. This muscle works to elevate the 2nd-5th ribs, which aids in deep inspiration (inhalation).
Myofascial trigger points in this muscle are common and can be caused by faulty postures, such as sitting for long periods or writing at a high desk or table, and movements, or illness where coughing is a symptom. Pain due to trigger points is often described as a "constant, deep ache" under the upper portion of the shoulder blade. Referral pain can extend down the back of the shoulder and arm to the little finger side of the hand. Pain is often present at rest or with certain movements, such as lifting objects with outstretched hands (placing something on a high shelf).
Myofascial trigger points in this muscle are common and can be caused by faulty postures, such as sitting for long periods or writing at a high desk or table, and movements, or illness where coughing is a symptom. Pain due to trigger points is often described as a "constant, deep ache" under the upper portion of the shoulder blade. Referral pain can extend down the back of the shoulder and arm to the little finger side of the hand. Pain is often present at rest or with certain movements, such as lifting objects with outstretched hands (placing something on a high shelf).
This video shows a therapist treatment, self-treatment positioning and stretch positioning for the serratus posterior superior muscle.
1. Stretch (00:17)
- Drop the chin to the chest and rotate the head away from the affected side
- Reach forward and grasp the front of your chair with the hand of the affected side
- Arch the upper back
- Round the unaffected shoulder forward and cross it over the arm of the affected shoulder
- The stretch should be felt between the shoulder blades close to the base of the neck.
Hold Time: 30-90 seconds
Frequency: 1-3 times per day for a total of 5 minutes per week
Frequency: 1-3 times per day for a total of 5 minutes per week