Biceps Brachii
Biceps brachii is located at the front of the upper arm and attaches to both the elbow and shoulder joints. Its main function is to flex the elbow, and secondarily to supinate the forearm (turn the palm up) and flex the shoulder joint. Repetitive strain injuries involving the biceps muscle, such as biceps tendonitis, are most common with occupations involving repetitive overhead lifting and among swimmers, tennis players, and sports involving overhead throwing.
1. Stretch
Stretching a 'contractured' or shortened biceps muscle can help to realign the tendon fibers and restore proper resting muscle length. Hold this stretch for approximately 90 seconds. You should feel a gentle stretch along the front of your upper arm and shoulder. If you feel pain or discomfort, you may have moved too far into the stretch. If so, come out of the stretch slightly and hold the stretch where you feel comfortable. |